Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chicken & Dumplings

Chicken & Dumplings

     On a cold day like this who wouldn't like nice warm bowl of Chicken and Dumplings!
This is an easy recipe that requires patience and minor cooking skills. This recipe yields four large servings. This delicious dish can be made in less than an hour.  

For your base
1 Chicken breast medium to small diced 
6 cups of water 
1 tsp salt
2 small carrots small diced
1 stalk of celery small diced
1 large onion small diced 
1 cup of frozen peas
1 tsp of Italian seasoning
1 tsp garlic seasoning
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp or 1/4th stick of butter 
2 tbsp of all purpose flour 
1/2 cup of frozen peas
1/4 cup of milk
1/2 cup of cooking oil(divided)

For the dumplings
1 Cup of AP flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4-1/2 tsp of salt
1 tsp soft butter
1/4 cup of milk

  After you have your pot on the stove. (I decided to use a Dutch Oven.)
After your Hot add first divided cooking oil , just enough to cover the surface. add your Mirepoix and sweat your vegetables until translucent  do not caramelize 

Add your veggies to a appropriate sized bowl 

Add white wine to deglaze... then add 1 cup  to wash all fond from sides 
Add to your bowl of veggies

Add second half of cooking oil after reheating the pan
Add diced chicken
Cook to 80% done
Add 4 cups of stock bring to boil add peas, and seasoning, simmer for 5-8 minutes 

Add butter and flour to sauce pan to make roux  then add milk
Whisk this mixture into your chicken base to thicken your liquid
(((( Whisk  the roux in small amounts. If your base is too whisk add water to thin it out))))

Mix, kneed and roll out dough and cut out your dumplings you may use a pizza cutter, 
biscuit cutter, or I used a Ravioli cutter   
I prefer mine thin.
Bring your pot to a boil before adding your dumplings 
Add them one at a time to prevent them from sticking