Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pan Fried Potatoes

           Love trying something new! well It might not be new to some but its new to me. I wanted some potatoes, but I wanted something different. So I came up with the idea of pan frying them. Its a simple thing to do, but there are a few tricks that will make it simple for you.

            Grab you about 2-3 medium size potatoes. Go ahead and small dice them (bite size) make sure that they are all similar in size, this will ensure that they all cook evenly. Bring a medium sauce pan to a boil. It is very important that you don't completely cook the potatoes,  cook them to al-dente.(just want them to start to soften) quickly  pour into a strainer, and get a medium pan on the fire allow it to get hot. Add oil(vegetable not olive oil) allow it to get hot. You want a nice amount of oil, maybe double coat the pan.

The potatoes will soak up the oil quick. Add the potatoes to the pan, you will have to let the sides brown before you flip them.

This will take patients, but don't allow them yo burn. When they are 90% done add butter and garlic. When finished sprinkle on cheese and serve.

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