Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm a High School Dropout!


   Food saved my life. If it wasn't for my culinary career I would have never returned to get my degree. I had a few stumbling blocks in my younger years. I was a very stubborn young man. I was a very undisciplined, and had a  "Know It ALL"attitude. I never learned  to focus, I believe this was my greatest downfall. I was determined to be the class clown all through school, therefore I missed out on key learning objectives.  

   I have always love the arts, and have been creative all my life. There is almost nothing I can see someone do that I cant imitate, I am great with my hands. Loved to watch my Grandmother, and Great Grandmother in the kitchen in my younger years. I never thought I would be a Chef. Cooking was just something I did when I was hungry. Never thought I would be going to anyone's school getting a degree of any sort!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm happy to see that you didn't allow choices you made at a younger age, hinder your future growth. Well done!

  2. Way to go, anything is possible..... well done

  3. Thanks for your encouragement!! And taking the time to leave a comment.. I appreciate that! Much Love!!!
