Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pineapple & Lemon White Wine Shrimp Sauce w/rice..

1 stick of celery (Brunoise)
1 carrot (Brunoise)
1 onion (Brunoise)
1/4 cup of garlic (minced)
1 cup of rice (Jasmine or large grain)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tbs of Honey
1 Lemon (Zest and juiced )
1 cup of Pineapple (Small Dice)
1 1/2 pounds of Shrimp (Peeled and deveine save skin's)
2 tbs olive oil blend
1/4 cup of parsley
4 cups of water
2 cups of white wine


  Place Saute pan on low heat.(allow it to get hot ) Add Olive oil blend. (Allow it to get hot)  Add mirepoix (1 part carrot 1 part celery 2 part onion ) , sweat mirepoix until translucent.
Then add garlic. Mix in thoroughly.  The garlic will cook quickly, keep a close watch. remove from fire. take half of mirepoix add to sauce pan. use low heat, and then add shrimp skin's (not shrimp). Cook until red. Add water, cook for 5-7 min (allow reduction). Puree mirpoix, and shrimp skin mixture and run through a strainer. Add 1/3 of mixture with 1/2 of salt to rice and cook until fluffy.(add more water if needed).


  Add remaining puree to saute pan (that has mirepoix)  with low heat. Add wine, and cook off alcohol.(should take a few min) Add lemon juice,honey, pineapple,and 2/3 of parsley. Simmer for 5 min then all shrimp, cook shrimp until both sides are red, use Saute Method. When shrimp are red.( just beginning to turn red) Remove from heat immediately! Don't over cook shrimp!! they will be tough and chewy! (carry cover cooking will finish) salt/pepper T/T

  Use a large plate or bowl. Create a bed of rice, and cover it with your Pineapple & Lemon White Wine Shrimp Sauce. Garnish with Lemon Zest and remaining Parsley.

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